Digital Marketing

Buyer Persona - Are They Still Relevant?

A buyer persona is a fictional depiction of your ideal customer. It's a way to make sure you know whom you're selling to and what type of person they are. You can use that information then to help create stronger marketing strategies.


A buyer persona is a fictional depiction of your ideal customer. It's a way to make sure you know whom you're selling to and what type of person they are. You can use that information then to help create stronger marketing strategies, build audiences, and plan communications with potential customers.

Do you need to create a buyer persona?

If you're not sure if a buyer persona is right for your business, it may help to think about what they are and what they do. Buyer personas are a marketing tool that allows companies to be more effective when communicating with their customers. They allow businesses to understand their customers better and make sure that they're offering the right products or services to the right people.

In addition, buyer personas can also help companies establish how best to engage with their audience by identifying common interests, behaviours, and attitudes among different types of buyers. For example, if there's a particular demographic that tends towards buying from online retailers rather than brick-and-mortar stores (like millennials), then this information can be used strategically in any digital marketing campaigns aimed at attracting this group - perhaps by promoting discounts through social media channels like Facebook or Instagram instead of placing ads on TV commercials like some other brands may choose to do."

How do you create a buyer persona?

A buyer persona is a composite of data from your existing customers, your marketing campaigns and products, the product development team, sales, and customer service teams. For example:

●     Customer#1 is an “early adopter” who is interested in new technology. She's also a single mom with two kids. When she has trouble using the product or service you sell her, she calls customer support asking for help with specific functions(e.g., setting up her email). Customer #1 tends to be very forgiving when it comes to glitches because she knows that every new product has its challenges and expects them to be fixed quickly as updates roll out over time. She usually buys at least one more product after purchasing yours so long as you keep adding features that keep getting closer together than ever before!

3 Reasons You Should Create a Buyer Persona

Buyer personas can help you understand your customers, create better marketing campaigns, and help you target your customers. If you're not sure whether buyer personas are still relevant in today's digital world, here are three reasons why they should be:

●     They help create better marketing campaigns

●     They help you target your customers more effectively

●     They provide great insights into your audience

B2B or B2C? Using Buyer Personas Interchangeably.

It’s easy to see how buyer personas are useful for both B2B and B2C. When it comes down to it, the business model you choose doesn't matter—buyer personas are an excellent way of understanding what your customers want and need so that you can provide it better than anyone else.

Shortening the Buyer’s Journey.

To shorten the buyer's journey and make sure you're delivering the right experience at the right time, you need to understand what your customers want and how they want to engage with you.

Buyer personas are created by combining market research data with the knowledge of your company's products and services. They provide a way for you to visualize who is buying from you, what problems they are looking to solve, and where they prefer getting information from.

By properly defining your buyer persona(s), it will be easier for you to develop a strategy that speaks directly to them in ways that resonate with them on an emotional level – i.e., not just because “it’s what we think our customers want!”

Conduct a Survey.

Surveys are the easiest and fastest way to gather information about your buyer persona. You can use them as part of an existing research project or as a stand-alone activity, but it’s best to use them in conjunction with other methods of data collection. They can be conducted online or in person, by phone, email, or social media. You can also choose whether you want to collect information from groups of people (like at a conference) or individuals (like over the phone).


The buyer persona is not dead. Far from it! It's a tool that can help you understand your customers better and more effectively communicate with them. Just make sure you're being strategic about how you use them and make sure they're based on real data rather than assumptions.

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