
Marketing Funnels - Understanding Sales in 2022

The marketing funnel is a tool that companies use to generate leads and turn them into customers. There are many different types of marketing funnels in existence today - let's explore how best to implement it.


The marketing funnel is a tool that companies use to generate leads and turn them into customers. It's pretty simple: you put people into the top of a funnel, then guide them down through various stages until they become customers (and ideally buy something).

That sounds great, but the truth is that not all funnels are built alike—and some don't even work like that at all! In fact, there are many different types of marketing funnels in existence today. Let's explore what makes each one unique and how best to implement it.

Marketing funnel explained

A marketing funnel is a tool that allows you to collect leads, nurture them, and eventually convert them into paying customers.

It includes the following stages:

  • Marketing - Getting people's attention and converting them into leads (or contacts whom you can reach out to in the future).
  • Lead Nurture - Getting potential buyers interested in purchasing your product by providing them with relevant content or information through email or other digital channels.
  • Sales - Closing the sale and getting your customer to become a paying customer.

Not all marketing funnels work the same way

Marketing funnels aren't the same for every business. In fact, they can vary from industry to industry and even from customer to customer. Some common types of marketing funnels include:

  • The Awareness Funnel: This strategy is used to capture new leads who are unaware of your product or service and introduce them to it. You'll create awareness by using content marketing (like blog posts), advertising campaigns, public relations efforts, social media outreach and email marketing.
  • The Lead Generation Funnel: This process involves targeting people who are likely buyers and encouraging them to sign up for more information about your products or services. Your lead generation efforts will usually involve advertising in order to reach these potential customers—either online or offline—and then converting them into leads once they click on one of the ads you've placed online.
  • The Sales Funnel: After you've generated leads from the previous two steps above, you'll want to convert some of those leads into sales opportunities via email follow-up sequences or sales calls with qualified prospects who fit within your ideal customer profile so that you can close as many deals as possible before losing momentum toward reaching revenue targets defined within an annual operating plan (AOP).

Nonlinear marketing funnels

Nonlinear marketing funnels are designed to help you build relationships with your customers. They were originally designed for large corporations that had huge budgets, but as digital marketing has increased in popularity and become more accessible, smaller businesses have also begun using them. Smaller businesses are often better suited to use nonlinear funnels because they tend to spend less money on advertising than larger companies do.

When it comes down to it, though, the difference between a linear and a nonlinear funnel is this: linear funnels are built one way—from top-to-bottom—and nonlinear funnels are built many ways (like a spider web).

there are many different types of marketing funnels, and it's important to learn about them before you start using one

Before you start using a marketing funnel, it's important to know what kind of marketing funnel you're using. You wouldn't try to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with only one slice of bread, would ya?

There are many different types of marketing funnels that can help you keep track of the process by which potential leads become customers. Each type has its pros and cons, so it's up to you to determine which is best for your business. To do this, consider:

  • How many people do I have in my pipeline?
  • How much time does each stage take?
  • What kind of budget do I have for this campaign?


Now you know what marketing funnels are, and you know some of the different types that exist. But before you start using one, it's important to ask yourself a few questions first:

Do I need leads? If so, where will they come from? How can I attract them? Are there any other ways to get people interested in what I'm offering besides a funnel? Are there any other marketing techniques I could use instead? Should we use more than one type of funnel at once?

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