How to use Schema Markup to Increase Website Traffic

Schema markup, also known as structured data, is a way to provide additional information about a webpage to search engines to improve how the page is represented in search results. One of the ways to implement schema markup is by using HTML microdata.


Schema markup, also known as structured data, is a way to provide additional information about a webpage to search engines to improve how the page is represented in search results. One of the ways to implement schema markup is by using HTML microdata.

HTML Microdata.

HTML microdata is a set of HTML tags that can be used to annotate content on a webpage in a way that is meaningful to search engines. These tags allow developers to specify the type of information that is present on a page, such as the name of a product, the rating of a review, or the location of an event. By using these tags, search engines can better understand the content of a page and present it in a way that is more useful to users.

One of the advantages of using HTML microdata is that it is relatively simple to implement. You can use the microdata attributes on existing HTML tags, like <div> or <span> to add extra details about the content enclosed.

Search engines such as Google uses the information provided in schema markup to understand the content of a page and to display it in a way that is more useful to users. It helps in creating Rich Snippets and Featured snippets which not only help in visibility but also increase the click-through rate.

Using Schema markup, specifically HTML Microdata is a great way to improve the visibility of your website in search results and to provide users with more detailed information about your content. With some effort in proper implementation, you will see an improvement in your website's search engine visibility. is a collaborative effort by some of the largest search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yahoo, to establish a common set of standards for structured data on the web. By using the vocabulary to annotate content on your webpage, you can help search engines understand the information on your page in a standardized way.

Step-by-Step Guide.

There are several types of markup that can be used, including microdata, RDFa, and JSON-LD. HTML microdata is one of the easiest ways to implement markup, and it can be added directly to the HTML of a webpage.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to perform schema markup using HTML microdata:

1. Identify the type of information that you want to mark up on your page. This could be information about a product, a recipe, an event, or any other type of content that is relevant to your page.

2. Choose the appropriate type to represent the information on your page. For example, if you are marking up a product, you would use the "Product" type. You can find a list of all the types on their website.

3. Add the appropriate microdata tags to your HTML. For example, if you are marking up the name of a product, you would use the itemprop attribute to specify that the content enclosed is the name of the product, like this: <span itemprop="name">My Product</span>.

4. Repeat step 3 for each piece of information you want to mark up on your page.

5. Test your markup using Google's Structured Data Testing Tool which validates the schema you added to the page. This tool will show you if there are any errors in your markup and will give you suggestions for how to fix them.

6. After you've fixed any errors, submit your page to Google using the Fetch as Google tool in Search Console. This will allow Google to crawl your page and extract the structured data.

If you would like to test out what a basic schema markup looks like, use our link and insert into the validator.

It is also important to mention that you should be careful when adding schema markup, as marking up irrelevant or misleading information can result in penalties from search engines. It is also important to be consistent in how you mark up your pages, this will make it more coherent for search engines to understand your content.


Overall, schema markup is a powerful tool that can help search engines understand the content of a webpage and display it in a way that is more useful to users. By following this step-by-step guide, you can use HTML microdata to implement schema markup on your own website and improve your website's visibility in search results.

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