Off-Page SEO - Building Stronger Backlinks

SEO is a tough business. You have to compete with millions of other websites for the top spot in the search engine results pages (SERPs),and it’s not easy. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to boost your SEO game.


SEO is a tough business. You have to compete with millions of other websites for the top spot in the search engine results pages (SERPs), and it’s not easy. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to boost your SEO game and stand out from the crowd. One such thing is off-page SEO, which refers to all the link-building activity that occurs outside of your website itself.

Off-page SEO - Be patient, follow the rules and do it right.

Off-page SEO is the process of building backlinks to your website from other websites. The more links you have, the higher Google will rank your site in its search results. The logic is simple: if many websites are writing about a topic and linking to it, then that topic must be important enough for more people to read it (and hopefully click on those links).

Therefore off-page SEO can be so effective; by building strong backlinks from trusted sources, you increase the chances of getting more people to read your content.

Learn about your industry and competitors.

To build a successful link-building campaign, you must first learn about your industry and competitors. The goal is to understand the market, know your target audience and their needs, and understand your competitor's strengths and weaknesses. This will help you understand what they are doing right or wrong to formulate an effective SEO strategy.

In addition to knowing what they do well/poorly in terms of SEO tactics like on-page optimization, off-page content creation (blogs),social media marketing, etc., it's also important to understand trends in your industry as well as what’s happening at the macro level (i.e., national politics impacting global markets).

Create great content that others want to link to.

To build backlinks, you need to create content relevant to your audience and use keywords that are relevant to your industry. Remember -quality trumps quantity. Use a variety of media types (images, videos, infographics) and formats (list posts) on your blog so that it's easier for other bloggers to find data points they can reference in their content. Finally, remember that publishing great content is just one part of SEO—you also need quality backlinks from trusted sources.

Learn how to write blog posts.

You can use blog posts to build your site’s authority, drive traffic and gain backlinks. When writing a blog post, keep these points in mind:

●     It should be well-researched, well-written, and informative. This applies to all of your content—and it’s especially important when you’re creating a piece that will attract links because if it isn’t good enough for people to share on social media or link to it then why would anyone else want to?

●     It should be easy to read and understand. Make sure that what you write is clear and concise so the reader doesn’t get lost along the way (this also helps with SEO). Try using bullet points instead of paragraphs whenever possible as this makes things easier on both parties (you write less because there's less text per point; readers have an easier time comprehending). Also, use headings/subheadings where appropriate so readers can see at a glance what each section is about without having read any other sections beforehand."

Guest posting remains a viable strategy.

Guest posting remains a viable strategy. However, you can’t just submit poorly written articles with links back to your site hoping for instant traffic and ranking improvements. You need to give quality content that is well-researched and useful to the reader.

You should also consider guest posting on sites that have an audience that fits with your target customer base—and make sure you get accepted as a guest! (You wouldn't believe how many people I've seen try this method without first researching the site.) That being said, don't just submit articles because it's "good for my SEO." Remember: readers deserve good content too! So here are some tips for writing a great article:

●     Research the topic thoroughly before starting any writing process

●     Create an outline including key points of information or argumentation (why should they care)

●     Create an opening paragraph that grabs attention and draws in readers who might otherwise not have clicked on the link (you only get one chance at this!)

Host webinars and invite influencers as speakers.

Webinars are a great way to connect with influencers, build relationships and create leads for your business. Here’s how to use webinars as part of your off-page SEO strategy:

●     Create a webinar that is relevant to your audience. If you don’t have anyone on hand who can speak about the topic in question, consider inviting an industry leader who will be able to answer questions during the webinar and make sure it runs smoothly.

●     Make sure you have a good webinar platform (check out BrightTALK if you want something simple). Your platform should allow attendees to ask questions by chat box or email submission while they watch the presentation live. It should also allow participants to download handouts after the event so they can refer later once they’ve had time to process everything they learned in real time!


The key to off-page SEO is to remember that the web is a huge place. People aren't going to notice your content just because you tell them it's there. You must earn their attention by creating something that people want to share, whether that's through great content or interesting interviews with experts. Once you've done this, then the link-building process can begin!

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