On-Page SEO - Optimise Your Website for Google

SEO is a term that you have probably heard a lot of. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, but what does it mean? Well, it's the process of optimising your website to rank higher in search engines like Google and Bing.


SEO is a term that you have probably heard a lot of. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, but what does it mean? Well, it's the process of optimising your website to rank higher in search engines like Google and Bing. How do you do this? Well, there are 2 types of SEO: off-page and on-page. On-page means that you are optimising your own website so that it ranks higher in search results. Off-page refers to external factors such as link building (building links from other websites back to yours) or social media activities (getting likes on Facebook etc). Both on-page and off-page SEO are important but this post will focus entirely on on-page:

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO is the practice of optimising your website to rank well in Google Search results.

It's what we do at Mitora and it's one of our biggest selling points. We've helped small businesses improve their online presence and increase traffic through strong on-page SEO strategies.

On-page optimization is a major part of organic search engine optimisation (SEO). It involves making sure that your website meets all the criteria that Google looks for when ranking pages so that it gets as m as possible from search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

How To Effectively Do On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing your website for Google. It's about using keywords intelligently and effectively to improve your ranking on search engines like Google.

This means using h1, h2, and h3 tags correctly; making sure your title tags are relevant to the content of the web page; creating meta descriptions that entice readers into clicking through from the search engine result pages (SERPs) to read more about you; putting keyword-rich headers throughout your site; naturally using them within body content (don't go overboard here); using alt tags for images on a page as well as other text fields such as headings; making sure there's internal linking between pages on a site so that visitors can find their way around easily by clicking links within navigation menus or footers.

1) Page Titles and Meta Descriptions

Page titles and meta descriptions are the most important part of on-page SEO.

They are used to describe your pages to search engines, but they also tell users what they will find on the page.

Meta descriptions should be unique for each page, between 150 and 160 characters long, and contain a good description of what you are trying to communicate about that subject. They should also include relevant keywords as well as being written in sentence case (with capital letters only at the beginning of sentences) rather than title case (where all words start with capital letters).

2) Headers (H1, H2, H3 etc)

Headers are used to convey the main idea of a page and are an important part of SEO. There are six different headers that you should use on your website:

●    H1 (or Title Tag): The most important header, should only be used once per page. This is what people see in search results and on social media. It should also be short and descriptive (for example: ‘Website Optimisation Company’).

●    H2 (or Sub Header): This is usually the second most important information about your business or product/service. It should not be too long or use words like and or ‘the’ unnecessarily; this makes it look unprofessional and can negatively affect how Google sees you as a search result.

3) Website Speed and UX Design

It might sound obvious, but if your website takes too long to load or is hard to navigate, Google will penalise you.

Also, make sure that your site loads across all devices by using responsive design techniques (which adapt the layout of a website to various screen sizes). And make sure it’s easy for visitors to find what they are looking for.

Good on-page SEO is a prerequisite for good off-page SEO.

Good on-page SEO is a prerequisite for good off-page SEO. If your website doesn’t have the right foundation, it can be hard to build a strong presence in search engines. On-page SEO is what you need to get started with improving your ranking with search engines like Google and Bing.


If you are looking to improve your SEO, start with on-page SEO. It is the most important factor in SEO, and it will help drive traffic to your website.

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