PPC Tips & Tricks - Optimising PPC for Small Business

PPC (pay-per-click) advertising is one of the most effective ways to get your business in front of customers. While it might seem like a daunting task, it's quite simple as long as you have the right tools and know what questions to ask.


PPC (pay-per-click) advertising is one of the most effective ways to get your business in front of customers. While it might seem like a daunting task, it's quite simple as long as you have the right tools and know what questions to ask. In this post, we'll walk through how to create an effective local PPC campaign for small businesses by covering everything from location targeting to mobile-first ads.


You can target your ads in a radius around the location of your business, or you can target just within a city or state. You could even choose to target locations outside of the United States if you're looking for global reach. Some businesses will want to limit themselves by country, while others may prefer to spread out their message across as many countries as possible.

When it comes down to it, geo-targeting is all about finding the right balance between reaching potential customers and cutting costs on wasted clicks from people who aren't likely candidates for conversion (i.e., people who aren't ready or willing).

Google My Business.

If you’re going to go the extra mile and use Google My Business to enhance your ad content, there are a few helpful tips I can share:

⦁ Use the location information. If you have a brick-and-mortar business, this can be a great way for customers to understand exactly where they’ll find your store. You can also use photos of the exterior of your building and interior shots of specific areas inside.

⦁ Use the business information. There are lots of ways that an online user might determine whether they want to visit a particular location—things like hours of operation, menu/service options, photos of interior decor, and products available at each location (if applicable). So, make sure all this info is included in your GMB listing so potential customers know exactly what they can expect once they get there.

⦁ Use reviews from customers who were happy enough with their experience at one site that they decided to recommend it on Google Reviews (or any other platform). People trust real people over faceless corporations when shopping for things like restaurants; so, having positive reviews will help build brand loyalty among potential customers who come across them organically via search engine results pages (SERPs).

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA).

You may not be aware that you’re seeing RLSA ads. If you’ve ever visited a website and then saw an ad for that site when you were searching on Google, it’s because of RLSA. With this feature, advertisers can retarget people who have already visited their website—even if they only visited once.

This is a powerful tool that can help your business build trust with new customers by showing them relevant ads and increasing the chances they'll buy from your company in the future.

Here’s how to use RLSA:

⦁ Set up an account with Google AdWords Search Network (GAS). This will allow you to set up campaigns in which you target users based on their search history as well as RLSA lists.

⦁ Create a remarketing list if your business isn't already using one by going into Campaigns > All Campaigns > Right-click any campaign or ad group > Create Remarketing List Segment.

Utilizing Upgraded Sitelinks.

Sitelinks are a great way to increase the click-through rate. They can also be used as an opportunity to educate and inform the user. For example, if you have a highly competitive keyword like "gas station," you may want to highlight offers on your sitelinks page so that when users click through, they see special deals that might convince them to choose your business over others. In addition, if you offer surge pricing or live tracking services (waiting in line), then those can also be included in your sitelinks.

Lead Form Extension in Google Ads.

Lead form extensions let you ask questions to your customers and collect information about them. This is important because it gives you more insight into their needs, which helps you create a better product or service for the future.

The lead form extension in Google Ads is like any other extension: You can place it anywhere on your page that makes sense for your business and its audience. The branded snippet will show up at the top of Google’s search results whenever someone searches for products or services related to yours.

Know how to use local PPC to target your customers.

Locally targeted PPC campaigns can be a great way to reach your customers. The first step is knowing your audience and using location segments to show ads to people when they’re in the area you want, or even based on where they’re traveling from and going to. You can also use location bid adjustments for even more granular control over where you show ads.

Another way to use location-based targeting is to show your ads in more than one city at once. If you have stores in multiple locations, then this can be a useful strategy for reaching customers who are near any of them.


Google AdWords is a great way for businesses to get their name out there and drive more traffic to their websites. With these six tips, you can get started on creating an effective PPC campaign today.

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