Understanding Google SERPs - Types of SEO in 2023

In the past year, we've seen some major changes to Google's algorithm. The most notable of these is that there are more opportunities for shorter and more direct answers to be ranked higher than ever before.


In the past year, we've seen some major changes to Google's algorithm. The most notable of these is that there are more opportunities for shorter and more direct answers to be ranked higher than ever before. This has forced many businesses to re-evaluate their strategies and focus on long-tail keywords rather than short ones, but it doesn't mean you can't still rank for a generic term like "fishing rod" if you have the right content strategy in place.

In this post, I'll cover how Google decides what pages to show in its search results (or SERP), why that matters, and how you can use this information to improve your search engine optimization strategies going forward:

Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)

Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) are what you see when you search for something on Google. SERPs are a subset of the overall results that come from a search engine based on relevance and a few other factors, including:

●    Keywords- The keywords used in the query.

●    Links to your site - Links to your site from other sites that are relevant to the topic of your page.

●    Content length - Content length is evaluated based on how many words are visible on the page when it loads, as well as its readability level (based on factors such as font size and colour). This can change depending on whether you have images included in your article.

What goes into a page's rank?

The answer is obvious, right? Google wants to show its users the best results for their search queries.

But that's not all.

Google also wants to show you what you're looking for quicker than any other search engine, so they prioritize speed and accuracy over everything else. If your website loads faster than its competitor's websites, your site will rank higher in the SERPs because it gives users a better experience.

If your pages load slowly and poorly, Google will downgrade them in favour of faster-loading sites that provide an overall better experience - even if they don't have as much content or authority. So, when determining how to rank well on Google searches, remember that speed matters more than anything else!

What is SEO?

So, what is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a method of making your website more visible to search engines and therefore more likely to appear at the top of organic (non-paid) results in Google, Bing, and others. In other words, it helps people find your website with their search queries on Google or Bing.

But why should you care? The answer is simple: because every business needs customers! A lot of them (and not just one). The Internet has made it very easy for anyone to start their own business these days, but without an audience, there won't be any sales coming through the door - no matter how good your product or service might be! This means that you need people visiting your site from time to time - which is why getting found by people comes first when talking about SEO in 2023; after all...

How to implement SEO on your website

With the above in mind, let’s look at how you can implement SEO on your website.

●    On-page SEO: This is the most basic form of SEO and involves making sure that all the elements on your site are optimized for search engines. For example, pay particular attention to having an XML sitemap, ensuring that page titles are accurate and relevant to the topic being discussed, adding meta descriptions (which appear below results), having proper headings and H1 tags etc.

●    Off-page SEO: If you want to get more traffic from search engines then it’s important to have links coming into your site from other sources such as social media profiles or guest posts on other blogs/websites etc. Luckily there are many tools such as Ahrefs which will track where people are linking back from so you can focus more time there rather than guessing what might work best.

●    TechnicalSEO: This refers specifically to making sure that any technical issues with websites such as broken links or duplicate content issues (where Google may think two pages contain identical information) aren't affecting how well they perform in SERPs."

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing your website to be more search engine-friendly. This includes implementing keywords in title tags, meta descriptions, and alt tags on images. You should also optimize your content for maximum readability and appropriate length, as well as make sure it's easy for users to locate what they're looking for on a site.

URL structure is another important aspect of on-page SEO. Keep URLs short, use descriptive words and phrases in place of numbers or letters, avoid underscores (_), hyphens (-), or spaces ( ), and don't include unnecessary information (e.g., "/about/" instead of "about/").

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is the process of obtaining links from other websites, also known as backlinks. Links are like votes for your site and can help you rank above your competitors in search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Backlinks are important because they will send authority (a measure of how important a website is) to your site by circulating throughout the web via other sites in the form of social shares, mentions on other blogs or forums, and so forth. If you want to rank higher than your competitors then you must have a high quantity of quality backlinks pointing toward your website content.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the process of making sure your website is set up in the best way for search engines to crawl and index it. It includes things like making sure your site has a robots.txt file, setting up 301 redirects, and using

For example, if you’re interested in getting more traffic from Google Search, you might want to consider adding new content regularly or optimizing existing pages with keywords that are relevant to what those pages contain. That way when someone searches for these words on Google, they’ll find the information they need right away.

Local SEO

Local SEO is the process of optimizing a website to rank higher in search results for local businesses. It is important to understand your local market and how it differs from other markets you target.

Local SEO is not just about ranking higher in search engines, but also about getting more conversions: getting visitors on your website who are ready to make a purchase or take an action—and then converting them into customers!

Google is always changing – understanding types of search engine optimization is still important to help you rank higher.

You might be wondering: why are we talking about Google SERPs, given that they're constantly changing?

Well, it's important to understand the different types of SEO to know how to rank higher. Many factors go into how Google decides which websites to show at the top of its rankings and understanding these can help you increase your chances of ranking well.


The SERP landscape is changing all the time and Google has a lot of different rules for what it looks for in a good website. If you're trying to get more traffic from search engines like Google, make sure you understand on-page, off-page, and technical SEO as well as other types of optimization techniques such as local SEO.

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