Using SEO to Get Ahead of Competition

I'm sure you've heard that the key to being successful online is content. But what about all of the other things you need to do? What about SEO, social media, email marketing, and website development?


I'm sure you've heard that the key to being successful online is content. But what about all of the other things you need to do? What about SEO, social media, email marketing, and website development? Well, I've got some tips for you on how to stay ahead of your competitors with these quick and easy tips.

Where are they spending the most?

Next, you want to look at where your competitors are spending their money. Are they placing ads on Google? If so, then you should too (obviously). Are they paying for SEO? If so, then should too. The point is that if your competitors are devoting resources to something and seeing results from it, then chances are good that you will see results as well if you do the same thing or something similar.

Which keywords are they using?

Now that you know a little bit about keyword research, let's talk about how to use the information you've gathered.

The first step is to use a keyword research tool, like Ahrefs Keywords Explorer or SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool. These tools will allow you to see which keywords your competitors are targeting and how popular those terms are with users. You can also use these tools to find long-tail keywords related to your business, but it's important not to get too carried away with this—you want to make sure that the keywords you choose are relevant and useful to your company's products/services before going out of your way trying new things!

Once you've picked out some good ones (or even just one), it's time for step two: using Google AdWords Keyword Planner (if available). This tool gives insights into how difficult it would be for someone searching for a specific term on Google, so if there are too many other advertisers bidding on certain terms then we recommend moving onto another option until one becomes available later down the line as an alternative outlet strategy option instead

Tracking Competitor Backlinks

The next step is to find out which keywords your competitors are using, and where they are getting their backlinks from.

To do this, you will need to use a tool like Ahrefs. This is an excellent tool that allows you to track your competitor's backlinks in real-time.

It also lets you see which keywords they're targeting and how much traffic they're receiving from different sources. You can even see if they are using black hat SEO or not (if so, take note).

How are they winning reviews?

You might be wondering, how are these businesses winning reviews? As it turns out, they're doing it by making their customers happy. The best way to do this is by delivering on your promise in every interaction. For example, if you sell products on Amazon or eBay and promise free shipping within 2 days of purchase—as many do—then make sure you fulfil that promise 100% of the time. Customers will notice!

In addition to fulfilling your promises, two other things can be done to encourage positive reviews:

●    Respond to negative reviews promptly and offer a solution for improvement (if applicable). If someone has had an issue with one of your products or services and left a negative review on Amazon or Yelp because of it, don't ignore them! Reply publicly on the site where they posted their feedback so others can see what steps you've taken towards resolving the problem. This shows potential customers that they should feel confident purchasing from you because if something goes wrong with an order (or if they just don't like something), there's someone at the ready who'll help make things right again

How many social shares do they get?

Social shares are an important part of search engine optimization. You can use social media to share your own content and get more traffic.

●    How many social shares do they get?

●    How often do they post on social media?

If you see that your competitor has a lot of followers, it's likely because they are posting interesting content regularly. Check out their blog posts, see how long ago they were published and what the titles are about, and then try to create something similar for yourself (but better!).

Stay ahead of your competition with these quick tips.

To stay ahead of the competition, you must be able to see what they’re doing right and wrong. This is the only way you can find out how to improve yourself. For example:

●    If they have a great-looking website but are not ranking highly on Google, it may be that their content isn’t optimized for SEO (search engine optimization). If this is the case, you need to focus on creating quality content that is well-written and engages with your audience.

●    If they are ranking high on Google but their website looks like an eyesore and has no calls to action, then perhaps it would benefit them more if you focused more on your design instead of just focusing on rankings alone.


Following these tips can help you stay ahead of your competition. If they’re doing something right, there’s a good chance that you can do it too! But there are also some things that they might not be doing as well. Also, if you’re already ahead in one area, then keep up the good work.

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