What is PPC? Fast Tracking Digital Growth

Whether you're an established brand or a start-up, we all have the same problem: getting more qualified leads. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can be an effective way to reach more people quickly.


Whether you're an established brand or a start-up, we all have the same problem: getting more qualified leads. For those of us who aren't digital natives and don't have a huge marketing budget, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can be an effective way to reach more people quickly. When done right, PPC will bring more traffic to your site quickly and at a lower cost than other online marketing channels such as social media or email marketing—but only if it's done well.

Pay-per-click (PPC)

Pay-per-click marketing, more commonly called PPC, is an effective way to drive more qualified leads from the internet. It’s also a great way to generate sales quickly. If you have a product or service for which there is an immediate need and you know your customers are searching for you online, PPC can be a quick way to get them in touch with you—so long as your campaigns are set up properly.

In many ways, PPC works similarly to organic search engine optimization (SEO). The goal is still the same: To make sure people find their way to your business when they are looking for something specific on Google or Bing. But with PPC ads, there’s no organic search involved in getting people interested in what your company does or who uses it first—it all happens through paid advertising that appears alongside other posts on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.


Targeting is the most important part of PPC. It's about getting your ads in front of the right people, and it's all about matching your ad to the user's interest.

Targeting can be done in three ways:

●    Keyword targeting (matching search query with ad copy)

●    Placement targeting (placing ads on certain pages only)

●    Demographic targeting (choosing audiences based on age, gender, income level etc.)


Tracking is the process of measuring the success of your campaign, from ad clicks to conversions and ROI.

When you run a PPC campaign, it’s important to have a clear understanding of how well each keyword performs. You can do this by tracking relevant metrics in Google Analytics or other digital analytics tools that help you measure KPIs such as conversion rates and costs per acquisition (CPA).

PPC also allows you to track individual keywords, what they cost per click (CPC) and how much they are costing your business on an ongoing basis.


This is the return on investment. It's the amount of money you've made compared to what you spent to acquire new customers or leads. You can use ROI as a way to measure the success of your PPC campaign by dividing your total profit by the total cost to run it.

It's also known as return on ad spend (ROAS) because ad spend refers to how much money was spent on advertising, while return refers both to profit and reduction in risk or cost.

Google Ads

Google Ads is a great way to get more leads for your business because it’s so easy to set up and run. You can target specific audiences and save time by automating common tasks like ad creation, bidding, where you want the ads shown on Google Search, YouTube or Gmail (the list goes on). You can also use Google Analytics to help you understand which keywords are driving traffic to your site — then create new campaigns focused around those terms. This will help keep costs down while increasing ROI at the same time!

When users click on your ads, you pay the amount you bid for each click

You pay when users click on your ad. You pay based on the amount you bid for each click. When a user clicks on your ad, the cost of that click is determined by two factors: Ad Rank and Max Bid.

Ad Rank represents how relevant Google thinks an ad is to what the person searched for (and other factors). The higher the Ad Rank, the more likely it is that a user will see this ad first in their search results page when they type in a keyword query related to your product or service.

Max Bid determines how much you are willing to pay per click (displayed view) on Google Search Network sites such as Search, Maps and YouTube Videos etc. Google displays ads over organic search results based on the relevance of keywords used by searchers.

Hiring a Professional

A search engine marketing (SEM) professional at a performance marketing agency can help you manage your ad spend and optimize ads and landing pages.

PPC is a great way to get started with SEM, as it’s simple to set up and start testing out new keywords. This makes it an effective strategy for lead generation, especially if you’re not sure what type of audience you want to target just yet—the process becomes much more data-driven than other digital advertising channels like Facebook or Instagram.

However, PPC is not without its drawbacks: the results that come back from Google can be broad or narrow depending on what users are searching for; they may be looking for something specific while others could be searching in general terms that have nothing to do with what you offer; these types of searches often have higher costs per click (CPC).


PPC is a great way to get the word out about your business quickly. It’s easy to set up and there are no long-term commitments—you pay only as much or as little as you want each month! You can also spend less time worrying about search engine optimization (SEO) and focus more on growing your business.

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