What is SEO? Growing Your Business Online

If you've ever tried to search for a product, service, or business on Google, you've experienced the power of SEO. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of making your website more visible in search engine results.


If you've ever tried to search for a product, service, or business on Google, you've experienced the power of SEO. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of making your website more visible in search engine results pages by improving your site's visibility and performance. It's an important part of digital marketing that can help your website get found by potential customers when they're looking for something online.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s the process of improving your website so that it ranks higher in search engines.

SEO is important because it helps you reach more people who are looking for your product or service. If a potential customer searches for “web design company in Los Angeles,” and you’re showing up on page one, then congratulations! On top of that, most people tend to trust businesses that show up near the top of their search results—and they're more likely to convert into paying customers if they can find what they need right away.

Why is SEO Important?

Why is SEO so important? Let's start with the obvious: it helps you get found online. When people search Google or other search engines, they're looking for solutions to their problems. And if they don't find you, they might not even know that there's a solution out there waiting to be discovered by them.

SEO also helps you get more traffic to your site. Traffic is important because it can translate into leads (or sales). Visitors are more likely to become customers if they enjoy visiting and interacting with your website; this includes liking and sharing content on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This type of organic promotion can help sharpen your brand identity while building trust between yourself and potential customers. And when these websites link back to yours—and others do likewise—you'll gain even more credibility within the industry as well as boost rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

How Does Google Work?

If you've ever Googled something, chances are you've seen a list of websites that Google thinks are most relevant to your search. The order of those results is determined by an algorithm that considers many factors, including how well each website is optimized for search engines (also known as SEO). The specifics of this algorithm are closely guarded by Google and its competitors—but we do know some things about how it works.

A huge part of SEO involves making sure your website has plenty of content and information that answers whatever question the user asked in their query. For example, if someone searches "how do I get rid of ants?" they're probably looking for an article full of advice on how to get rid of ants; if someone searches "ant killer products," they may be looking for a list or comparison chart where different products can be ranked according to price or effectiveness. By filling your site with pages that contain high-quality content related specifically to what people want when they search for something, you’ll increase the likelihood that anyone searching for similar information will find yours first.

What is a Keyword Strategy?

You might be wondering why you should bother with this whole keyword thing when you could just type random words into your browser and see what sticks. Let's say you want to buy a new pair of boots online. You're going to type "boots" into the search bar and see what comes up, right?

Well, not necessarily. There are ways to make sure that your site shows up for all the best keywords related to boots (and lots of other things). Here's how:

●     Keyword research: We use tools like SEMrush or AHREFS (both free) to find out which terms people are using when they search for something related to our business. This is where we'll start building our keyword strategy.

●     Keyword mapping: This is where we figure out which terms are most important based on how often they come up in searches and how many sites are using them as keywords on their pages. These get mapped out so that we know how much traffic each term gets so we can prioritize them in our strategy moving forward!

On-Page Factors

On-Page Factors are the elements you can control on your website. These include things like title tags, meta descriptions, page content and images.

On-Page factors are critical to SEO because they are the first things that Google will see when crawling your site.

The search engines look at the meta information contained within these elements to determine which pages should rank highly in the SERPs(search engine result pages).

Off-Page Factors

Off-page factors are the actions that happen outside of your website. These include link-building and social media.

Link Building is the process of getting other websites to link back to yours, which can improve your search rankings by helping Google determine how relevant your site is for certain keywords and phrases. If you have a great number of high-quality links pointing back at you, Google knows that people love what you're doing online—and that means you'll get a boost in traffic from those sites' readers.

Social media can also help drive traffic to a site because it's easier for people to find the content they want on social networks than it is through search engines like Google or Bing. If someone sees an interesting tweet about one of your blog posts or videos, they might click through so they can read more about it (or watch more than five seconds worth). That's why marketers often use hashtags on Twitter or Facebook posts with links directing users right where they need to go next: their own website!

Digital Marketing and SEO are important for your business.

You may have heard people say that SEO is important for your business. They're not wrong, but the answer is a little more complicated. On the surface, it's easy to understand why digital marketing and SEO are important: after all, if you're trying to grow your business online then surely you want to rank higher in search results so as many people see your website as possible.

But SEO isn't just about getting traffic; it's about driving conversions too - getting customers through the door once they land on your site. And it's a long-term strategy that takes time and effort before you start seeing results (ideally). So yes - SEO can help you get more customers and increase sales but only if done right!


Digital marketing and SEO can be a lot to take in, but if you want to grow your business online, you need to know the basics. These two strategies will help you reach new customers and get more traffic to your website. If that sounds like something that interests you, then we’ve got some great resources for learning more about digital marketing!

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