
SEMrush vs Google Analytics — How to choose in 2023


What makes them different?

It's likely that you have encountered SEMrush and Google Analytics during your search for SEO tools.

Comparing SEMrush and Google Analytics is not as simple as it may appear at first glance. Both platforms are highly popular, but each offers unique features and benefits. SEMrush is a go-to tool for many SEO professionals, digital marketers, and website owners looking to improve their online visibility and search engine rankings.Similarly, Google Analytics is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers a wide range of features for website owners, digital marketers, and SEO professionals.

So, which platform will you choose? SEMrush or Google Analytics? Keep reading to find out all you need to know!




All-in-one marketing solution

Competitive intelligence

Keyword research & site audits

PPC, SEO, content, & social media analysis

Google Analytics



Web analytics tool

Track website traffic and user behavior

Analyze conversion and revenue data

Integrate with AdWords and other tools


Let's go back to the beginning.

SEMrush is a comprehensive SEO and marketing tool that provides valuable insights and data to help website owners and marketers improve their search engine optimization and online marketing efforts. One of the key features of SEMrush is its keyword research tool, which helps users find the best keywords to target for their website and understand the competition for each keyword.

SEMrush also provides a site audit tool that allows users to analyze their website and identify any technical issues or on-page optimization problems that may be impacting their search engine ranking. This tool provides a detailed report of any issues found, along with recommendations for fixing them. In addition, SEMrush's competitor analysis tool provides valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of a user's competitors and helps users identify opportunities to differentiate themselves and improve their own ranking.

SEMrush also offers a suite of tools for online advertising, including tools for managing and optimizing pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, researching and analyzing competitors' ads, and tracking and improving ad performance. These tools help users save time and increase their ROI from their online advertising efforts.

SEMrush was founded in 2008 and has since become one of the most popular and well-respected SEO and marketing tools on the market. Its comprehensive features and easy-to-use interface make it an essential tool for SEO and marketing professionals and website owners looking to improve their website's visibility and ranking in search engines like Google and maximize their online advertising efforts.

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. It provides valuable insights into user behavior on a website, such as the number of visitors, their geographical location, the pages they visited, and how long they stayed. This information can be used to optimize website content and user experience, making it easier for users to find what they are looking for and complete their goals on the website.

Google Analytics was launched in 2005 and quickly became one of the most widely used web analytics services in the world. It is free to use for basic features, but also offers a premium version for businesses that need advanced features and reporting. The platform is user-friendly and allows users to easily track and analyze website data, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes and technical levels.

One of the key features of Google Analytics is the ability to track and analyze goals and conversions. This allows website owners to see how well their website is performing in terms of conversion rates, and make improvements to increase conversion rates and generate more leads and sales. Additionally, Google Analytics provides detailed reporting on the source of website traffic, allowing users to see how visitors are finding their website and where they are coming from.

Another important feature of Google Analytics is the integration with other Google tools and services, such as Google AdWords, Google Search Console, and Google Tag Manager. This integration makes it easier for businesses to see the impact of their digital marketing campaigns and website optimization efforts. Additionally, the integration allows users to see how their website is performing in search engines, providing valuable insights into the success of their search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Overall, Google Analytics is an essential tool for website owners and marketers who want to improve their website's performance and user experience.

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Time to compare the pair.


Offers comprehensive keyword research and analysis tools to identify and target the right keywords for your website.

Provides competitor analysis and market intelligence to keep track of industry trends and stay ahead of the competition.

Offers site audit and website health monitoring features to identify and fix technical SEO issues.

Provides social media management and marketing tools to increase brand awareness and engagement.

Comprehensive keyword research and analysis

Google Analytics

Real-time data tracking and analysis

User behavior and audience insights

Mobile and cross-device tracking

Integration with AdWords

Custom reporting and data visualization


Digital Marketers: SEMrush is an ideal tool for digital marketers who want to stay ahead of the competition and improve their online visibility. It provides a comprehensive set of features that can help digital marketers to understand the online behavior of their target audience, find new opportunities for growth, and track their advertising campaigns to optimize their return on investment.

SEO Professionals: SEMrush is a must-have tool for SEO professionals who want to make their mark in the industry. It provides a wealth of information on search engine rankings, backlinks, and keywords, allowing SEO professionals to stay ahead of the curve and develop effective optimization strategies.

Website Owners: SEMrush is a great tool for website owners who want to take control of their online presence and attract more traffic to their site. With its comprehensive website analysis, keyword research, and backlink tracking features, website owners can get a clear picture of how their site is performing and make the necessary changes to improve their search engine rankings and attract more traffic. Additionally, its competitor analysis features allow website owners to stay ahead of the competition and find new opportunities for growth.

Google Analytics

Website Owners and Webmasters: Google Analytics is a must-have tool for website owners and webmasters as it provides valuable insights into website traffic, user behavior, and engagement. With Google Analytics, website owners can track the number of visitors to their site, monitor the pages that are most popular, and identify areas that need improvement. This information is essential for optimizing the user experience and increasing conversions.

Digital Marketers: Digital marketers use Google Analytics to track the success of their marketing campaigns, understand the behavior of their target audience, and make data-driven decisions. Google Analytics provides a wealth of data on where website traffic is coming from, how users interact with the website, and how they engage with marketing campaigns. This information can be used to optimize ad spend, improve content marketing strategies, and increase overall ROI.

eCommerce Businesses: For eCommerce businesses, Google Analytics is an indispensable tool for understanding the behavior and preferences of their customers. With Google Analytics, eCommerce businesses can track sales, monitor the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns, and identify trends in customer behavior. This information is crucial for optimizing the online shopping experience, increasing conversions, and driving revenue growth. By using Google Analytics, eCommerce businesses can make data-driven decisions that drive success and growth.


SEMrush is a feature-rich SEO tool that offers a wide range of capabilities to help website owners, digital marketers, and SEO professionals improve their search engine rankings. One of its most prominent features is keyword research, which allows users to discover the most relevant and profitable keywords for their website or business. The keyword research tool provides detailed information on keyword difficulty, search volume, and competition, allowing users to make informed decisions about their keyword strategy.

Another important feature of SEMrush is competitor analysis. With this tool, users can compare their website's performance against their competitors, identifying their strengths and weaknesses in terms of traffic, rankings, and backlinks. This information can be used to develop a more effective SEO strategy and improve the overall visibility and rankings of a website. SEMrush also provides detailed analytics on advertising and backlink profiles, making it a complete SEO solution for any website looking to improve its search engine rankings.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. It is widely used by website owners, digital marketers, and business owners to gain valuable insights into their website's performance and to make data-driven decisions.

One of the key features of Google Analytics is its ability to track website traffic and user behavior. This includes information such as the number of visitors, the pages they visited, their location, and the devices they used to access the site. This data can be used to identify trends, improve the user experience, and make informed decisions about website content and design. In addition, Google Analytics offers a range of advanced features such as goal tracking, event tracking, and e-commerce tracking, which provide even more in-depth insights into website performance. These features make Google Analytics a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their online presence and drive business growth.


One of the key features that SEMrush specializes in is keyword research. This feature is crucial for any website that wants to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEMrush offers a comprehensive keyword research tool that allows users to search for keywords that are relevant to their business, and it provides insights into their search volume, competition, and cost-per-click. With this information, users can create a list of keywords that they can target to drive more traffic to their website.

In addition, SEMrush provides a keyword difficulty tool that helps users assess the competitiveness of the keywords they want to target. The keyword difficulty tool gives an estimate of how hard it would be to rank for a particular keyword, based on factors such as the number of existing websites targeting that keyword, the quality of the content on those websites, and their authority. This information is useful for website owners and marketers who want to determine which keywords are worth targeting, and which ones are too competitive. By using this feature, users can make informed decisions about the keywords they want to target, and avoid wasting time and resources on keywords that are unlikely to bring results.

Google Analytics

One of the main features that Google Analytics specializes in is tracking website traffic and user behavior. This tool allows users to gain a comprehensive understanding of their website traffic, including the source of the traffic, the number of visitors, and how they interact with the site. The tool also provides detailed information on how long visitors stay on the site, what pages they visit, and the actions they take. By analyzing this data, website owners can gain valuable insights into their audience and improve the user experience to increase engagement and conversion rates.

Another key feature of Google Analytics is its ability to monitor and optimize conversions. The tool provides detailed information on how visitors are interacting with calls to action, such as sign-ups, downloads, and purchases, and helps website owners identify the areas of their site that are driving the most conversions. With this information, website owners can make informed decisions about how to optimize their site for conversions and improve their overall conversion rate. Google Analytics also provides tools for measuring the return on investment for different marketing campaigns, allowing website owners to determine which campaigns are driving the most conversions and adjust their strategy accordingly.


What is the best value?


per month
View Website
5 projects
500 keywords to track
10,000 results per report
3000 reports per day
100,000 crawl pages

Google Analytics

View Website
Real-Time Data
Customized Reporting
Audience Insights
Integration with Google AdWords
Mobile Analytics



In conclusion, both SEMrush and Google Analytics are popular SEO tools that offer a variety of options and features. SEMrush is a comprehensive digital marketing tool that offers a wide range of features for businesses looking to improve their online presence. Whether you're focused on search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, or content creation, SEMrush has the tools you need to succeed. Google Analytics is a valuable tool for businesses looking to understand their website performance and improve their online presence. With its powerful features, businesses can track and analyze website traffic, monitor user behavior, and measure the impact of their digital marketing efforts. With its user-friendly interface and ability to integrate with other Google products, Google Analytics is a must-have for any business looking to stay ahead in the digital world. Ultimately, both platforms have a lot to offer, and users can choose the one that best fits their preferences.

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