
Ubersuggest vs Long Tail Pro — How to choose in 2023


What makes them different?

It's likely that you have encountered Ubersuggest and Long Tail Pro during your search for SEO tools.

Comparing Ubersuggest and Long Tail Pro is not as simple as it may appear at first glance. Both platforms are highly popular, but each offers unique features and benefits. Ubersuggest is a go-to tool for many SEO professionals, digital marketers, and website owners looking to improve their online visibility and search engine rankings.Similarly, Long Tail Pro is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers a wide range of features for website owners, digital marketers, and SEO professionals.

So, which platform will you choose? Ubersuggest or Long Tail Pro? Keep reading to find out all you need to know!




Keyword research tool

Analyze organic search data

Suggest keyword ideas and questions

Analyze competitors' SEO and PPC strategies

Long Tail Pro



Keyword research tool for long-tail keywords

Analyze keyword competitiveness and search volume

Generate keyword ideas and suggestions

Integration with Google Ads and other platforms


Let's go back to the beginning.

Ubersuggest is a keyword research tool that helps users generate keyword ideas and analyze their competitors' SEO strategies. It was created by Neil Patel, a well-known digital marketer and entrepreneur, in 2017. The tool is user-friendly and provides valuable insights for marketers looking to improve their search engine optimization efforts.

One of the key features of Ubersuggest is its keyword research tool, which provides a comprehensive list of keywords related to a user's target query. It also provides data such as search volume, keyword difficulty, and cost per click (CPC) for each keyword, allowing users to identify the most valuable keywords for their SEO campaigns.

Another feature of Ubersuggest is its competitor analysis tool, which provides insights into the SEO strategies of competitors. This includes information on their top organic search keywords, backlinks, and organic search traffic. This information can be used by users to identify opportunities to improve their own SEO strategies and outperform their competitors.

Ubersuggest also provides a site audit tool, which analyzes a user's website and provides recommendations for improving its SEO. This includes information on technical SEO issues, such as broken links and missing alt tags, as well as content-related issues, such as keyword optimization and meta descriptions. The site audit tool is a valuable resource for users looking to improve the search engine visibility of their websites.

Long Tail Pro is a keyword research tool specifically designed for marketers and website owners to help them find long-tail keywords with high traffic potential. This tool helps users to generate a list of keywords based on their target audience and industry, which can be used to create valuable content and improve website ranking.

The tool provides a variety of features to help users find keywords that are profitable and have low competition. It allows users to search for keywords based on location, language, and device type, as well as providing metrics such as Keyword Difficulty and SERP analysis. This information can be used to make informed decisions about which keywords to target and how to optimize content for better search engine visibility.

Long Tail Pro was first launched in 2011 by Spencer Haws and has since become one of the most popular keyword research tools on the market. The tool has received positive reviews and feedback from users who appreciate its user-friendly interface and accurate results. It is also frequently recommended by experts in the SEO and online marketing communities.

In addition to its keyword research capabilities, Long Tail Pro also offers a suite of other features including competitor analysis, backlink analysis, and keyword tracking. These features provide users with a comprehensive understanding of their target audience and how they can improve their search engine optimization efforts. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned marketer, Long Tail Pro is a powerful tool that can help you achieve better search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your website.

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Time to compare the pair.


Offers keyword research and analysis tools to help identify and target the right keywords for your website.

Provides competitor analysis and market intelligence to keep track of industry trends and stay ahead of the competition.

Offers tools to monitor and track website performance, including ranking, traffic, and keyword rankings.

Provides site audit and website health monitoring features to identify and fix technical SEO issues.

Automated keyword ranking tracking and reporting.

Long Tail Pro

Keyword research and discovery

Competitor analysis and keyword ranking insights

User-friendly interface and data export

Advanced filtering and analysis options

Integration with Google AdWords and Moz Domain Authority


Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs: Ubersuggest is a great tool for small business owners and entrepreneurs who want to improve their online presence. With its user-friendly interface and easy-to-use features, Ubersuggest makes it easy for non-technical users to research keywords, analyze their website, and monitor their search engine rankings. This tool is especially useful for those who are new to SEO and want to start their journey on the right foot.

Digital Marketers and SEO Professionals: Digital marketers and SEO professionals can also benefit from Ubersuggest. The tool provides detailed data and insights on search engine optimization, keyword research, and competitor analysis, which can be used to improve the performance of websites and digital campaigns. With its comprehensive features, Ubersuggest can help digital marketers and SEO professionals to stay ahead of the competition and drive more traffic to their clients' websites.

Content Creators and Bloggers: Content creators and bloggers can also use Ubersuggest to their advantage. By researching keywords and analyzing their website, they can optimize their content for search engines and increase their online visibility. Ubersuggest's keyword research tool helps content creators and bloggers to find popular and relevant topics to write about, while its website analysis feature provides insights on how to improve the performance of their blog or website. With its easy-to-use interface and affordable pricing, Ubersuggest is a great tool for content creators and bloggers who want to grow their online audience.

Long Tail Pro

Online Business Owners: Long Tail Pro is an ideal tool for online business owners who are looking to improve their search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to their websites. The tool provides in-depth keyword research and analysis, allowing business owners to identify profitable and low-competition keywords that they can target to improve their rankings and drive more traffic to their websites.

Digital Marketers: Digital marketers will find Long Tail Pro to be an indispensable tool in their arsenal, as it helps them to effectively target the right keywords and improve the search engine rankings of their clients' websites. With its powerful keyword analysis features, digital marketers can easily identify the best keywords to target, and use that information to create effective search engine optimization strategies for their clients.

Freelance SEO Specialists: Freelance SEO specialists who are looking to offer their clients the best possible results will find Long Tail Pro to be a valuable tool. The tool's comprehensive keyword research and analysis features allow SEO specialists to identify the best keywords to target, and create effective optimization strategies that will help their clients improve their search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to their websites. Additionally, Long Tail Pro's user-friendly interface and easy-to-use features make it accessible for SEO specialists of all skill levels, so they can focus on delivering the best possible results for their clients.


Ubersuggest is a popular SEO tool that provides a wide range of features to help website owners and digital marketers improve their online visibility and search engine rankings. One of its most notable features is its keyword research tool, which provides in-depth analysis of keywords and their related data, including search volume, keyword difficulty, and ranking difficulty. This data is essential for website owners looking to optimize their content and target the right keywords for their website.

Another standout feature of Ubersuggest is its site explorer, which provides a detailed analysis of any website's backlink profile. This includes information on the number of backlinks, the quality of the links, and the most linked-to pages on the website. This data can be used to identify the most authoritative websites in your niche and analyze your own website's backlink profile, allowing you to make informed decisions about which backlinks to pursue and which ones to avoid. Additionally, Ubersuggest also offers a keyword gap analysis tool, which can help you identify keyword opportunities and compare your website's ranking potential with that of your competitors.

Long Tail Pro

Long Tail Pro is a keyword research tool designed to help online marketers and bloggers in finding profitable and low competition keywords for their websites and content. One of its key features is the Keyword Competitiveness (KC) score, which provides a numerical score to indicate the level of competition for a given keyword. The KC score takes into account various factors such as the number of backlinks, the number of websites ranking for the keyword, and the authority of those websites. This score makes it easier for users to quickly identify keywords that are easy to rank for, and to avoid those that are too competitive.

Another important feature of Long Tail Pro is its ability to generate keyword suggestions based on seed keywords. The tool uses an advanced algorithm to analyze search engines and provide users with a large list of related keywords that they can use for their content creation and search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. In addition, Long Tail Pro also allows users to check their website ranking for specific keywords and track their progress over time. This helps users to optimize their websites for search engines and to increase their visibility online. The tool also includes a feature that allows users to spy on their competitors and see what keywords they are ranking for, providing valuable insights into their SEO strategies.


One feature that Ubersuggest specializes in is keyword research. The tool provides in-depth analysis of keywords and phrases that can be used to optimize website content for search engines. It offers a comprehensive list of related keywords that are popular among users and can be used to drive traffic to your website. The tool also shows the search volume, difficulty level, and competition for each keyword, allowing you to choose the keywords that are most relevant to your niche.

Another feature that Ubersuggest excels in is competitor analysis. With this tool, you can monitor your competitors' websites and see what keywords they are ranking for, what content they are publishing, and how they are building links. This information can be used to identify areas where you can improve your own SEO strategy and improve your rankings. Additionally, Ubersuggest provides information on your competitors' backlinks, so you can see which websites are linking to them and how you can reach out to those websites to build links for your own website.

Long Tail Pro

Long Tail Pro is a powerful keyword research tool that specializes in finding profitable long-tail keywords for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. One of the key features that sets Long Tail Pro apart from other keyword research tools is its ability to generate keyword suggestions based on a comprehensive keyword analysis. This feature is crucial for businesses that want to target specific keywords and maximize their search engine visibility. Long Tail Pro provides a comprehensive solution for businesses to generate keyword suggestions based on a variety of metrics, including search volume, keyword competition, and more.

By using Long Tail Pro, businesses can identify the most profitable long-tail keywords for their specific niche and target them for SEO purposes. This helps businesses improve their search engine ranking, increase their visibility, and ultimately drive more targeted traffic to their website. Long Tail Pro's keyword analysis process is powered by its proprietary algorithm, which takes into account a variety of factors to generate the most accurate keyword suggestions possible. This powerful algorithm, combined with its user-friendly interface, makes Long Tail Pro a valuable asset for businesses looking to improve their search engine optimization efforts.


What is the best value?


per month
View Website
150 Reports Per Day
1 Projects
150 Chrome Extension Search Limits
125 Tracked Keywords
20 Numbers of locations

Long Tail Pro

per month
View Website
800 Keyword results per 24 hours
Custom Difficulty Targets
Keyword Profitability
30 Tracked Keywords
250 Tracked Keywords



In conclusion, both Ubersuggest and Long Tail Pro are popular SEO tools that offer a variety of options and features. Ubersuggest is a powerful SEO tool that provides businesses with the insights and tools they need to improve their online visibility and reach more customers. With its user-friendly interface, comprehensive keyword research and analysis features, and site audit tool, Ubersuggest is a valuable resource for businesses looking to optimize their website and improve their search engine ranking. Long Tail Pro is a powerful keyword research tool that provides businesses with valuable insights into the keywords that are driving traffic and conversions. With its advanced features, including keyword suggestions, keyword competitiveness analysis, and keyword tracking, businesses can find the right keywords to target and improve their search engine optimization efforts. Whether you're a small business looking to increase your online visibility or a large corporation looking to stay ahead of the competition, Long Tail Pro provides the data and insights you need to succeed in search engine optimization. Ultimately, both platforms have a lot to offer, and users can choose the one that best fits their preferences.

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