What is Teachable? Choosing the best online courses in 2023.


Online learning platforms have revolutionized the way we learn and upskill. With the ability to access top-quality education from anywhere with an internet connection, the traditional limitations of time, location, and cost are a thing of the past.

What is Teachable? Choosing the best online courses in 2023.


It's likely that you have encountered Teachable during your search for online courses. Online learning platforms are revolutionizing the way people access education and acquire new skills. With the rise of the internet and advancements in technology, these platforms provide an alternative to traditional brick-and-mortar classrooms and offer students a convenient, flexible, and accessible way to learn. Thinkific offers an excellent opportunity for individuals looking to expand their understanding and abilities. With a vast array of courses spanning various subjects, including offerings from top universities, it is a top choice for those seeking quality education.

Whether you are looking to further your career, pursue a new hobby, or simply learn something new, online learning platforms are an excellent resource for anyone looking to expand their knowledge and grow their skills.

From programming and technology to music, art, and personal development, online learning platforms offer a wide range of courses in various subjects and cater to different learning styles. With experienced instructors, engaging multimedia content, and interactive learning tools, online learning platforms are providing students with a dynamic and effective education experience that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

Keep reading to find out all you need to know!

What is Teachable? Choosing the best online courses in 2023.

The history lesson.

Teachable is a comprehensive platform for creating, marketing, and selling online courses. The company was founded in 2014 and is headquartered in New York City. The platform provides course creators with a suite of tools and resources to build and sell their courses, making it easier for educators and experts to reach a global audience.

One of the key features of Teachable is its ease of use. The platform provides a user-friendly interface that makes it simple for course creators to build and customize their courses. This includes features such as customizable landing pages, custom domains, and integrated payment processing. Additionally, Teachable provides course creators with access to analytics and insights to help them understand their students and improve their courses.

Another unique aspect of Teachable is its marketing and sales tools. The platform provides course creators with a range of tools to promote their courses and reach a  wider audience. This includes features such as email marketing, affiliate marketing, and integrations with popular marketing tools. Additionally, Teachable provides students with a seamless purchasing experience, making it easy for them to enroll in and access their courses.

The platform also provides students with a supportive and engaging learning experience. Teachable offers features such as interactive quizzes, gamification elements, and the ability to offer certificates of completion. Additionally, the platform provides students with access to a community of like-minded individuals, where they can collaborate, share their work, and receive feedback from others.


Key Highlights

Online instructors, entrepreneurs, businesses.

Course creation, delivery, and hosting platform, customizable design, integrations.

Course creation and delivery for various industries.

Monthly/annual plans, flexible pricing, no transaction fees, free/priced courses.

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Key points

Teachable is an Online Learning Platform

Teachable is a comprehensive online learning platform that provides individuals and organizations with a powerful platform for creating, delivering, and selling online courses.

The platform is designed to be user-friendly and offers a wide range of tools to help course creators build and deliver engaging online courses.

Teachable courses are designed to help learners acquire new skills and knowledge, from technical abilities to creative arts and personal development.

Instructor Experience

Teachable courses are created by industry experts, professionals, and educators, who share their knowledge and experience through video lessons, interactive quizzes, and hands-on projects.

The platform's flexible and intuitive interface makes it easy for course creators to build and deliver engaging and effective online courses.

Teachable's powerful course builder allows creators to add multimedia content, interactive elements, and quizzes, providing learners with a dynamic learning experience.


The platform has a user-friendly interface and offers a wide range of customization options, making it easy for course creators to brand and personalize their courses.

Teachable's interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it simple for course creators to create and manage their courses.

The platform offers a wide range of customization options, including the ability to add custom domains, integrate with third-party tools, and more, allowing course creators to fully brand and personalize their courses.


Teachable offers flexible and scalable learning options, including the ability for learners to access courses on any device, and for course creators to sell courses directly on their own website or blog.

The platform's responsive design makes it possible for learners to access courses on any device, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Teachable's integration with third-party tools and customizable checkout pages allow course creators to sell courses directly on their own website or blog, providing them with a powerful platform for building and growing their online business.


Teachable offers a range of pricing plans to suit the needs of its users, ranging from a free basic plan to a premium plan for large businesses and organizations.

The basic plan is free and includes basic course creation tools, a custom domain, and the ability to sell unlimited courses. The Pro plan is priced at $39 per month and includes advanced course creation tools, access to premium features, and increased payment processing capabilities. The Business plan is priced at $119 per month and includes additional integrations and features designed for larger businesses and organizations.

All plans come with a 14-day free trial, allowing users to try out the platform and determine which plan is best for their needs before committing to a long-term subscription.

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